Community Partnerships
Shepherd's Center of Topeka
The mission of Shepherd's Center is to assist and serve seniors 55 and over. They are committed to helping seniors remain active by offering programs that are educational, social, physical, and spiritual. There are many churches in Topeka that partner with Shepherd's Center of Topeka which offers different activities and events for our seniors. At First Baptist Church we offer Pickleball & Line Dancing.

The Pickleball group plays every Monday and Wednesday from 1 - 3:00 pm at First Baptist Church, 3033 SW MacVicar Ave, Topeka. No new players at this time. Please contact Cyndi at if you would like to play. Cyndi Ryan, Coordinator; Dave Mathias is Sub/Assistant.
Line Dancing
Line Dancing meets every Thursday from 1:30 - 3:30 at First Baptist Church, 3033 SW MacVicar Ave, Topeka. This activity is for anyone who likes to dance. There are many levels of experience in this class. Vaccines are required, masks optional.

For more information on activities that Shepherd's Center has to offer click the link below.
Topeka Jump
Topeka JUMP pursues systematic change in Shawnee County, Kansas through local policy and funding changes. Our Mission is to provide a powerful vehicle for marginalized groups in Shawnee County to fight for justice. We are committed to seeing justice roll down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream.
These are our past and current issue campaigns.
Mental Health/Addiction, Predatory Lending, Safe & Affordable Housing, Violence, Public Transportation, Education, Mental Health

First Baptist Church is the host site for the Sunflower State Games and the Kansas Senior Games for Badminton. The Topeka Badminton Club meets in our Gym every Monday, Tuesday and Friday from 5:30-8:30 p.m. for practice. If you would like more information on joining contact
Rajeev Trehan, 785-856-2813,

Gymnasium Rentals
We have an amazing gym facility that is available to rent out during the year. We have several community groups, sport groups, line dancing, birthday parties, and many other events who use the gymnasium. We also host Upward Basketball and Cheerleading practices and games for teams from December - February. Our gym also has a full stage with lights, sound and a drop down projection screen for productions. If you are interested in renting out the gym and or stage area contact the church office.

Scout Troops
We have 2 Girl Scout Troops, 1 Boy Scout Troop and 1 Cub Scout Pack that meets at First Baptist Church during the school year. They meet in many different areas in the church during the school year to host their weekly meetings. If you are interested in joining Scouts, please see Jamie, Office Administrator for more information.
Be sure to welcome the troops if you see them around the church!

Recovery Groups
We have 4 AA groups (3 are men's groups, and 1 is a ladies group) and 1 Nar-Anon group that meets on different days of the week. Contact the church office for more information

Other Partnerships
We have special offerings, donations, and activities that help support Doorstep, Topeka Rescue Mission, Hope Steet, Jardine Elementary School, and Jardine Middle School. We also support many local, national, and international ministries. Each year we do a Souperbowl Sunday where we collect canned goods for food pantries in Topeka.