55+ Senior Adult Ministry
1st Thursdays Virtual Tours
On the 1st Thursday of the month join us in the Fellowship Hall at 11:30 a.m. for a light lunch followed by a virtual tour and dessert. Oh my...where should we go? No reservation is needed. Come and enjoy the time together and the tour!
Thursday Potluck Lunch & Bible Study with
Pastor Janet (formerly TZL)
Every Thursday at 11:30 we would love to have you join us for fellowship, lunch, prayer time, and Bible study. Bring your favorite dish to share! Zoom is still an option.
Meeting ID: 813 1482 1555, Passcode 3033
R.O.M.E.Os Friday Mornings
R.O.M.E.Os (Retired Old Men Eating Out) meet every Friday morning at 7:00 a.m. at Perkins on Wanamaker Rd. They discuss life and religion among other things. This is a great time for our older men to come together and have a time of their own. Please contact Walter Schoemaker or the office for further information.
Monthly Day Trips
We will have monthly day trips to various locations in and around Topeka and Northeast Kansas. See Pastor Janet, or check the calendar, for more information.